Elasticsearch-php之高亮搜索 - 简书

本站和网页 https://www.jianshu.com/p/f0270c6f473d 的作者无关,不对其内容负责。快照谨为网络故障时之索引,不代表被搜索网站的即时页面。

Elasticsearch-php之高亮搜索 - 简书登录注册写文章首页下载APP会员IT技术Elasticsearch-php之高亮搜索lookphp关注赞赏支持Elasticsearch-php之高亮搜索搜索关键字,使结果高亮关键字,类似百度搜索结果一样,如下图。
在PHP中,调用elasticsearch进行搜索时,想让结果高亮显示,添加参数highlight,在其下的field中,添加需要高亮的字段,之前写成'content => []',没有返回高亮结果。
后来通过搜索查询相关问答网站,才知道需要将类型数组转换为对象,如'content' => new \stdClass()。
public function search()
$hosts = [''];
$clientBuilder = ClientBuilder::create(); // Instantiate a new ClientBuilder
$clientBuilder->setHosts($hosts); // Set the hosts
$client = $clientBuilder->build(); // Build the client object
//Set search params
$params = [
'index' => 'index',
'type' => 'fulltext',
'body' => [
'query' => [
'term' => [
'content' => '中国'
'highlight' => [
'pre_tags' => ["<em>"],
'post_tags' => ["</em>"],
'fields' => [
"content" => new \stdClass()
$response = $client->search($params);
[took] => 2
[timed_out] =>
[_shards] => Array
[total] => 5
[successful] => 5
[failed] => 0
[hits] => Array
[total] => 2
[max_score] => 1.5
[hits] => Array
[0] => Array
[_index] => index
[_type] => fulltext
[_id] => 4
[_score] => 1.5
[_source] => Array
[content] => 中国驻洛杉矶领事馆遭亚裔男子枪击 嫌犯已自首
[highlight] => Array
[content] => Array
[0] =>
<em>中国</em>驻洛杉矶领事馆遭亚裔男子枪击 嫌犯已自首
[1] => Array
[_index] => index
[_type] => fulltext
[_id] => 3
[_score] => 0.53699243
[_source] => Array
[content] => 中韩渔警冲突调查:韩警平均每天扣1艘中国渔船
[highlight] => Array
[content] => Array
[0] => 中韩渔警冲突调查:韩警平均每天扣1艘
参考链接地址:用elasticsearch-php laravel为什么不能返回高亮数据?
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